- Lista de jornalistas, parlamentares, influenciadores e outras pessoas que foram presos e/ou suas contas de redes sociais suspensas por ordem do ministro Alexandre de Moraes.
(EN) List of journalists, parliamentarians, influencers and other people who were arrested and/or suspended from social networks by order of Judge Alexandre de Moraes.
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/3ztz3k7w)
- O abaixo-assinado pelo impeachment do ministro Alexandre de Moraes, com mais de 4 milhões de assinaturas
(EN) The petition for the impeachment of minister Alexandre de Moraes, with more than 4 million signatures
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/584x3vcv)
- Notícias internacionais sobre as ações de Moraes e STF
(EN) International news about Moraes and STF actions
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/yc5ukdwk)
- Editoriais de grandes jornais criticando ações de Alexandre de Moraes e o STF
(EN) Editorials from major newspapers criticizing actions by Alexandre de Moraes and the Supreme Court
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/mr2mt59h)
- Todas as matérias sobre os atos de invasão na Praça dos Três Poderes em 8 de janeiro/2023
(EN) All articles about the acts of invasion at "Praça dos Três Poderes, Brasilia" on January 8, 2023
- Tudo sobre a decisão do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) que define Jair Bolsonaro como inelegível por 8 anos.
(EN) All about the decision of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) that defines Jair Bolsonaro as ineligible for 8 years.
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/bdfthv3h)
- Em 11.05.2023, Câmara dos Deputados abre audiência sobre a censura no Brasil
(EN) On May 11, 2023, Deputies open hearing on censorship in Brazil
- Algumas das ações “imorais” e de CENSURA do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral nas Eleições de 2022
(EN) Some of the “immoral” and censorship actions of the Superior Electoral Court in the 2022 elections
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/2s4jvsbm)
- Inquérito das Fake News: porque o inquérito é completamente ilegal e inconstitucional.
(EN) Fake News Inquiry: Why the Inquiry is Completely Illegal and Unconstitutional.
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/uxxmvbae)
- 5 anos de Inquérito das "Fake News", o Ato Institucional que acabou com a liberdade no Brasil
(EN) 5 years of Fake News Inquiry, the Institutional Act that ended freedom in Brazil
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/55heva5y)
- Operação Fake News: Operação policial e quebra de sigilo bancário "ilegal" contra políticos e influenciadores apoiadores do presidente Jair Bolsonaro
(EN) Operation Fake News: Police operation and breach of "illegal" bank secrecy against politicians and influencers who support President Jair Bolsonaro.
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/yckbr9v2)
- Moraes determina operação “ilegal” contra empresários apoiadores do presidente Jair Bolsonaro.
(EN) Moraes determines “illegal” operation against business supporters of President Jair Bolsonaro.
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/bddmme85)
- Daniel Silveira, o deputado preso de forma ILEGAL por se expressar
(EN) Daniel Silveira, the deputy illegally arrested for expressing himself
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/3mkn8y3d)
- Tudo sobre a cassação ilegal de Deltan Dallagnol
(EN) All about the illegal impeachment of Deltan Dallagnol
- Inquérito dos Atos Anti-democráticos 1 (2020)
(EN) Inquiry of Anti-democratic Acts 1 (2020)
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/asyuat4k)
- Inquérito dos “Atos Anti-democráticos 2” e “Milícias Digitais”, e a prisão ilegal de Roberto Jefferson.
(EN) Inquiry into "Anti-democratic Acts 2" and "Digital Militias", and the illegal arrest of Roberto Jefferson.
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/9f2xxzsr)
- Censura na Revista "Crusoé": O início da "nova era" de censuras no Brasil
(EN) Censorship in "Crusoé" Magazine: The beginning of the "new era" of censorship in Brazil
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/29u7vfve)
- Oswaldo Eustáquio (Parte 2): mais detalhes de AGRESSÕES SOFRIDAS APÓS O ACIDENTE e dentro do hospital em que estava
(EN) Oswaldo Eustáquio (Part 2): More details of aggression suffered after the accident and inside the hospital where it was
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/y5xbdj2y)
- Oswaldo Eustáquio, o jornalista preso de forma ilegal que foi TORTURADO, ESPANCADO e ficou PARAPLÉGICO na prisão
(EN) Oswaldo Eustáquio, the illegally arrested journalist who was TORTURED, BEATENED and became PARAPLEGIC in prison.
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/mr2cmted)
- Operação Lume, a operação policial “ilegal” de 21 mandados de busca e apreensão contra um deputado e vários influenciadores, apoiadores do presidente Jair Bolsonaro
(EN) Operation "Lume, the "illegal" police operation of 21 search and seizure warrants against a deputy and several influencers, supporters of President Jair Bolsonaro
English translation (https://tinyurl.com/2m26xu9z)